Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wildlife Tracks and Signs

River otter trail with a slide down a short slope.
North Cascades, WA.

fast walk track pattern
Umpqua Dunes, Oregon Coast

Mountain Lion and Black-tailed Deer
tracks in mud,
Skagit River, Washington

Canada lynx
walking trail wending through fresh snow
North Cascades, Washington

Pellets of 3 Pacific Northwest Lagomorphs:
Black-tailed jackrabbit (left), Nuttal's cottontail (center), Pygmy rabbit (right)
Southeastern Oregon

Black bear
Claw marks on a Ponderosa pine tree
Northwestern Montana

Northern River Otter
right hind foot
Puget Sound, Washington

Coyote tracks
front (bellow) and hind (above)
Oregon Coast

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Global Climate Change Comes to Carnation Washington

Under the old railroad trestle bridge over the Tolt River, WA.

Same location as above during typical winter stream flow.

Tolt River flowing just under the Highway 203 Bridge in Carnation about 12 hours before the water crested.

Tolt river from same location as above during typical winter stream flow.

Tolt River, flood stage.

Tolt River from the similar vantage, typical winter stream flow.

Tolt river at flood stage.

Tolt river photographed from close to the same location as photo above during typical winter stream flow.

A new addition to Carnation. This entirely new log jam is about about 300 metres long and and 40 feet wide or wider in places, at the confluence of the Snoqualmie and Tolt rivers. It has completely obliterated a two lane gravel road that ran along the edge of the river here.

Looking north on Highway 203 just north of Carnation, WA

Flooded farm in the Snoqualmie Valley, WA.

Flooded house for sale. Carnation, WA.

Flooded neighborhood in Carnation, WA.

Carnation Tree Farm, WA.

Highway 203, just south of downtown Carnation, WA.

Flooded farm field south of Carnation caused by a burst levee on the Tolt River.

Highway 203 in Carnation, WA.